Monday, October 13, 2008

MONDAY 10/13: overwhelmed.

If you read our previous blog about the approved visa, you know that God is up to something - something bigger than we ever asked or imagined. And that is just the beginning.
We were moved with compassion as we visited schools, walked through the “location,” ministered to orphans, and prayed with concerned parents in the children’s hospital. At a school assembly, one little girl with bare feet and the saddest expression, quietly begged Deb to take her home with her. Other team members had equally heart-wrenching experiences as they ministered in the various settings. With each story, our hearts broke. There’s just something about missions work… You see and love people the way God does, instantly. And then you come to find out they are HIV positive or diagnosed with a brain tumor, and you feel broken. Yet it is our prayer and belief that God is using us to bring hope to each individual story.  
Our evening was supposed to early, according to the schedule - a one-hour youth outreach at a local high school followed by a movie night. The outreach was scheduled to start at 6:00PM. At 6:10PM, I saw a handful of young children and only 2 teenagers. We figured maybe our night would end even earlier than expected. By 6:30PM, more teenagers had gathered (perhaps 30-40). We kicked off the program with a dance to Shackles (which the moms on our team learned in 30 minutes!). As the program continued, clusters of teenagers filtered in. By the time I got up to preach following the “Everything” human video, I looked around to about 200 teenagers filling the courtyard and watching from the balconies! I shared a simple message explaining the drama and the way our sins and our hurts can separate us from God. We asked students who were serious about reaching out to God to come pray with our team members. Initially about 50 students came forward for prayer. And then more. And more.  God was moving, and there was no denying it.
One girl, as she was repeating the sinner’s prayer, started writhing, and we realized that we were dealing with evil spirits. As we spent much time praying for her, we found out that she had a cord wrapped around her waist. The cord is something given to girls by witch doctors for the purpose of warding off evil spirits, but such practices actually open the door for demon possession. This issue is extremely common in this culture. Two more girls, who had also been using potions and remedies from witch doctors, came forward seeking freedom. Most of us had never dealt with anything like this, and it was overwhelming. Pastor Eran has been instilling in us the thought that our greatest moments – or God’s greatest moments through us – happen when our fear and our faith collide. I think I would consider tonight  a pretty serious collision. With little experience and all the faith we could muster, we prayed for freedom with all our might. The Bible says that signs and wonders draw others and cause them to believe. So even as demons were being cast out of girls, others were coming forward, full of curious faith and seeking salvation. It was an incredible evening, and we believe there is more to come.
Around 9:30PM, we finally returned to NAMTI, and had our family time where we debriefed on everything that we had just experienced (since it was something most of us had never encountered). As our debriefing came to a close, Pastor Eran shared about the importance and power of the baptism in the Holy Spirit. From there, we went into one of the most incredible prayer times we’ve ever experienced on a missions trip, lifting up our team members who were seeking the baptism of the Holy Spirit. In the living room of the Bible College, the presence of God and the power of the Holy Spirit reigned down.
We are so grateful for your prayers. We saw God work a miracle with visa, and we saw him work powerfully tonight. We ask that you do not cease praying, but with the same passion and desperation, shift the focus of your prayers to what God is doing here in Namibia. Pray that he would continue to move in life-transforming, bondage-releasing ways. Pray that he would protect the team and our families. We believe that when we do something great for the kingdom of God, we become a target of the enemy. But God’s power is greater, and He gives us victory when we call on Him. To our friends and family, please pray fervently and be on your guard as well.
If you have any questions about anything you have read here, or would like more information about our beliefs, feel free to contact the church and speak with a pastor (610.678.0266).


sheena said...

If this is what is happening with in your first few days of ministry, I can't even begin to think what God has in store for the rest of the trip.

I am praying for God's wisdom for everyone there and that you all will be continually seeking his face and his word. We can do all things through the one who gives us strength.Never forget that and don't be discouraged even if you feel completely overwhelmed in any given situation. You have all the ability in the world as long as you are solely dependant on God.

I love you all and I pray that God's blessing will continue to pour down on the good work

Love Sheena

billhoppa said...

Hello John and Kathy,
Greetings from Tulsa, OK. Wow - what an adventure! Deepen the learning and forward the action…one step at a time. God would say to you as he said to Gideon, “Go in the strength you have ... Am I not sending you? ... I will be with you.”

God speed and safe travels,
Bill and Katy Hoppa

Juanita said...

Maurice Nana and Pop Pop have a message for you. Remember how you were not very motivated to go. That's because the devil knew what was going to happen. But do not fear, go forth, God's covering is over you. Satan has no authority over the children of God. Philpians 4:13. I Can do all things through Christ that strenghens me. Keep up your Spirit's and we will pray for the victory. And even though we will not be able to see you when you come back, we know that the Victory is "ours" in Christ. Love you all

Nana and Pop Pop

Katie Taylor said...

wow. this is day 5 i think. and God is doing such amazing things already-- I am at a loss for seems that you guys have just let God flow through you, and with Him you have help people overcome--throw off their shackles. to be able to help people get their freedom is an awesome thing-- i'm so proud of you all for giving your all and letting God work through you in such miraculous ways.
I'm praying for you tons, I can only imagine what God has in store for the rest of this trip. I pray for endurance, strength, audacity, and willingness, and that you will let God be the big and awesome God that He is through you all. so in awe, and tons of love--

eporth said...

We praise the Lord with you for His power and might.

Our prayers are constant for your safety and continued faithfulness to complete the task God has designed for you in Namibia. May HE continue to show His power there and at home as well.

This is Jeanette's parents writing.
We love you and are so proud of you, honey. Keep it up.

Blessings to all.

Mom O.