Wednesday, October 22, 2008



acegonyea said...

hey the pics r great! thanks for posting, looking forward to seeing u all soon!still praying for u all!

Juanita said...

Maurice!!!! The bright color!!! I knew I picked out the right color for the bathroom. You were painting it in Africa. Now everytime you go in the bathroom, you will be reminded of God's greatness in Africa and how He used you and ministered through you!!!!

God is good

Elly said...

I'm curious, is yellow our official painting color of choice on missions trips?? Either way, great job painters!!
And moe, i thought the same thing as your mother, hahaha.
Praying for everyone still, especially for safe travels. Miss you!

sheena said...

PE, Court, Justine, and Maurice...

These pictures and the video make me miss you guys so much!! God obviously worked some miracles on this trip and blessed you all so much.I'm not going to lie, but looking at this blog everyday made me want to jump the next plane to looks so much better than being surrounded by southern accents in VA :) anyways, you're trip is almost over. I'm so proud of all of you! I know how tired jamaica made me feel physically and emotionally. I pretty much wanted to sleep the rest of my life away and that was only a week :)But you guys were there for...I'm not really sure how long, but I know it was a lot longer than a week. That's crazy. You are all so amazing. I know that word is overused but I can't think of another one and usually I would go onto google and looked up synonyms because I'm a dork like that but I have to go to Convo in a couple minutes...well actually I should have left like 5 minutes ago because this campus is so big...anyways back to what I was saying. You all are amazing. I miss you like crazy like you don't even understand how much. I'm so proud of what you have done in Africa.

I love you I love you I love you


Katie Taylor said...

is that teen challenge yellow that i spot?
or is that miss juanita's bathroom?!

Ivelisse R said...

that is teen challenge yellow!!!
O how I miss JAMAICA!!!

meme said...

meme says HEY sister Sharon....... I miss you bunches!!!!!!!!Many blessings to all. Peace be with you. FLY SAFELY hugs and kisses
see you soon! meme

adascalescu said...

Jeannette, hurry up and come home. Crossroads is crying. Courtney, nobody is using cute fonts when they print things at church. Moe, come home safe. Tye is waiting for us to take in his gospel glory. E,hurry home because the world series is starting and I have no one to argue with around here.

I know I'm proud of all you've been willing to do on God's behalf...especially loving those kiddos. How great to love the least.
