Thursday, October 9, 2008

Mo's Ears


sheena said...

Maurice **
I mean this in the best possible way and I'm saying this out of love... NEVER do this again, please. It was really nasty, no offense :D like I'm pretty sure i gagged when I saw one should have ears that stretchy, I mean, is that natural?!?

Nicole McKay said...

that was my friend Jen!!

rosie said...

Maurice...eww...i think im might puke...u just got urself a new nickname: DUMBO!! i can get back at you for making fun of my ears...ha...soo...Due to our recent successes we here at GAFT would like to say we have begun a branch orginazation called "GMFT": Give Maurice Face Time!! At this point I am happy to announce that we are satisfied with the abundance of videos/photos of Maurice. We will continue to campaign if need be. Thanks!
Yours Truly, Amanda
P.S. I MISS MISS JEANETTE!! I love you J-Key and will keep dropping you a message or two! I want to see lots of pictures of you with Maurice...haha!! I am hoping to leave a message from our girls in the next week so look forward to that!

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Wow a face only a mother could love...oh...wait....A set of ears that only a Mother could love.

It was absolutely priceless, can I say....we rolled. Yep ...actually Dumbo is not the right name, more like...Curious George

Love ya bunches and miss ya tons
