Thursday, October 9, 2008

Waiting for our ride at JNB airport III...


sheena said...

Pator Eran!! work on your filming...I'm super dizzy and I'm just sitting... just kidding...not really.

I have you all in my prayers! Bless and be blessed...

Love, Sheena

Alex Vazquez said...

haha the trunk?foreal? lol

god bless my prayers go out to you all

Gina Garvey said...

haha, its a good thing I talked to Missy already from the B&B BEFORE I saw this video! I hope that you guys are all sleeping soundly..And I agree with Sheena!I'm dizzy too.
God Bless you guys. We are praying for the team non stop.

Missy we are so proud of you. We Love you very much.
Be on your guard, Stand firm in your faith, be courageous, be strong. (haha sounds like a familiar VBS right?) I think it sounds a lot like you Missy. Be comfortable with who you are, just let go and let God be in control.
You are an amazing 16 year old!

Much Love to all of you!

Elly said...

hahahaha i'm so glad these videos were posted! they made my day and i felt like i was there with you guys! it's great to hear that everyone DID get to the manor safely. can't wait to hear more! all my love and prayers to you all!

Phoebe said...

keep the video's coming Praying for you guys. Send our love to your parents

Marcia said...

Hey Staci,

We were just looking to see how things were going and getting a laugh out of the videos and pictures.
Take care you are all in our thoughts and prayers.

Marcia, Wen and Patti

Ryan Garvey said...

Haha! great video! I love you missy!

Ivelisse R said...

HA The trunk misssy ur face was priceless!!

miss you!

o and im eating the gummy bears!